• Consolidated Case Info
  • Amazingly Easy

Better than the official court site

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About Virginia Case Search

We are committed to unshackling Virginia's General District and Circuit Court Case Data. This site acts as a powerful resource for people from all walks of life from lawyers and judges to mental health professionals to concerned parents who need a beautiful and efficient Virginia court case search engine.

Unshackled Data

We offer comprehensive case information as far back as 1962 for some Circuit Court Records. The state limits searches to individual jurisdictions. In this regard, VirginiaCaseSearch.com is limitless.

Excellent personal and business resource

Our database makes professional life easier for lawyers, paralegals, judges, law enforcement, mental health professionals, insurers, and many others. But our database is also extremely useful for personal searches on yourself, your children, or any Virginian.

Custom Sorting

Upgrade to an Advanced Membership and gain access to advanced sorting. Sort by Jurisdiction, Offense, Hearing Date, or even Officer Name.

Frequently Asked Questions

This is the VirginiaCaseSearch.com FAQ.  If there are any questions you think this F.A.Q. should address please use the feedback form to let us know.

What is VirginiaCaseSearch.com

VirginiaCaseSearch.com is the best place on the web to find recent information for Virginia General District Court Traffic and Criminal cases.

How does VirginiaCaseSearch.com help to unshackle Virginia case information?

The Virginia courts official website segregates data between the 133 VA jurisdictions. This means that a user can only search one county at a time.  So unless you already know the information you are searching for the official site is not very useful.  VirginiaCaseSearch.com has, for the first time, made it possible for anyone to search across all 133 jurisdictions at once.  This information is public and we believe the public should have an easier time seeing and using it.
VirginiaCaseSearch.com uses the latest web technology to bring you a fast, beautiful, modern and responsive website.

What features are not implemented yet?

•    Case Number Search
•    Hearing Date Search
•    Total Case Details page
•    Ultimate Search by any case information field

How far back does your data go?

The data already goes back over 20 months!   Additional data is being added all of the time.

What is the difference between the types of membership levels?

The Free database will work just like the current courts.state.va.us website, but with the added ability to search across all 133 jurisdictions at once.  The Free database will be updated less frequently than the Advanced and Ultimate databases.  Free search users are limited to a moderate number of searches per month.

The Advanced database will be updated daily, and Advanced users will have access to a very large number of searches per month.  Additionally, Advanced users will have more powerful sorting and search tools, which are extremely valuable in statistical analysis and planning.

The Ultimate membership is intended for power users and organizations; volume licensing will be available. The Ultimate membership is limitless in regards to the number of monthly searches, and the database is updated daily.  Ultimate members will have access to our most powerful search tools and can search by any court data field, e.g., Name, Hearing Date, Offense, or Officer Name.  Ultimate memberships create incalculable possibilities for data analysis, reporting, and strategic planning.

Is VirginiaCaseSearch.com free?

There will be 3 kinds of memberships: free, advanced, and ultimate.  During the initial launch the only available membership tier is the free tier.

Are you affiliated with the state of Virginia or courts.state.va.us?

We are not.

What if I see that some case data is incorrect?

Advanced and Ultimate databases are updated daily and the free database is usually about 2 weeks old.  If the data changed recently please give our databases time to update.
Our data is collected from public sources.  We put great effort into making sure that our information exactly matches the court’s official data.  If you feel our data does not correctly match the official data please inform us via the Records Update form.  We will carefully review any possible mistakes.
If you believe the official data is incorrect you must address this directly with the courts.

Send us your feedback

Please send us any and all feedback you may have for VirginiaCaseSearch.com. Send us bug reports, feedback on style and feel, and even your general opinions. We will deeply appreciate it.


    Records Update

    If you believe our records are inaccurate due to an expungement or any other reason please fill out the form below and we will make any necessary changes.
